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Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Saturday, January 15, 2011

winter red

Amaryllis in full bloom
They were just bulbs a month ago

Bringing a little color to your white winter!

Thanks E&R for the Christmas gift, it's beautiful!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

when you're iced in and can't drive...

...what do you do? You walk! It's Day 2 of the Atlanta Ice-in.
We got ~6 inches here where I live. They don't plow or de-ice or salt the streets around here. It just has to melt and dry up. We haven't even had mail service for the past 2 days. So much for "through sleet and hail the US Post Office delivers the mail"... not!
Today we decided to get out and walk to Home Depot and Whole foods. It was a short 1.5 mile round trip walk through the slush and ice, and nice to be out in the fresh air. We needed garlic for this yummy turkey vegetable chili recipe I had made yesterday.
Since we were already out we bought a few other things too... lettuce, butter to make cookies, and coffee beans and half n' half because that's something I have to have in the morning!

Some people I know are already complaining of "cabin fever". Something I don't quite get, and by "get" I mean understand. I have no problem finding things to do at home. I've cooked and cleaned, played scrabble and read, and done 4 loads of laundry over the past 2 days with 2 more to come tomorrow. Do these complainers live in perfectly clean houses with nothing to do? Do they not like being home? Do they have no hobbies? That is sad!
I'm always doing something at home.
We are getting ready to paint the main floor, so while we were out we got a couple of paint samples. So far I like the one on the right.
Of course I usually need ~ six samples before I can commit. Another walk to HD tomorrow? Maybe.

Monday, January 10, 2011

we have accumulation!

It's a winter wonderland...
so rare an occurrence here in Atlanta.
We've been getting ~an inch per hour so far,
I hope it's still here in the morning.
Where's my turtle with the frog on top?

For once the media hype happened... we actually have accumulation!