So health wise it's been a difficult 2 months. January and February the auto-immune disease was hitting me hard. I think I felt badly every single day with joint pain. I finally got a prescription for Prednisone to help until the Plaquenel kicks in. That has helped on a daily basis, but I still seem to get a flare up once a week. This past week on Sunday into Monday I was really suffering. By Monday I had dehydrated myself. I fainted on my way to the bathroom and ended up on the floor. After that scare I decided to go to the emergency room for some relief. They diagnosed me with severe dehydration, gave me 2 bags of fluids thru IV, and ran some other tests. They did a chest ct to check for clots (none found) which showed my nodules have kept growing, even on 3 weeks of the new chemo drug Sutent. The large one near my heart is now over 7cm and getting too close for comfort. I need that one gone! My Onc is already investigating what new drug to try next. I go in on Wednesday for a biopsy of the abdominal and the lung tumors to see if the "biology" of my cancer has changed in some way. Hopefully we'll chemically determine what the best line of attack should be. I also am questioning Ablation as a possible form of treatment, if the proximity to my heart would allow that. 6+ years into the fight it's gotten much tougher. The cancer is relentless and with chemo as my main or only option it makes it a guessing game as to what will work.
I stumbled onto your site while searching for a Tony Bennett song. I am sorry to learn of your struggle. Cancer post auto-immune? I am an ex-nurse with auto-immune so that word just jumped out at me. Will go back through your blog to learn of your journey.
ReplyDeleteMomma, you are so strong through this whole journey! We all love you very much. You are such a fighter and an inspiration. I just know you are going to kick this cancer's butt!