When they are this cute and well behaved... I say Yes! We went to a family friend's wedding this past weekend and there must have been 7 children under the age of 7 in attendance. I never heard one peep out of any of them during the ceremony. And then at the reception, they made it all that much more fun!
Here is my grandson Carter and I walking over to the gift table. Doesn't he look dapper in his seersucker suit?!
new best buds
the little flower girl was too shy to perform her duties so C thought he'd give it a go
Makes you wonder what's in that cup...
my three beautiful girls and handsome Carter
my married daughters and their families
all the gals and little Nathan. He was so good he slept almost the entire time
posing with Hattie and Poppy
giving my little man a squish!
It was such a great weekend with all my kids and grandbabies together! We had so much fun hanging out all weekend and then also at the wedding itself. All the children at the wedding were so well behaved and fun to be with... and cute to boot! I was saying good bye to one little girl who was 3 and a half, and she asked me for a hug... what's more precious and heartwarming that that?!