Atlanta was experiencing record flooding from all the heavy rain we've had this past week, I was down in sunny
Florida redecorating my daughter's house.
She picked me up at the airport and we spent the first day, Saturday, shopping for:
a bench for her foyer, a new rug for under the dining room table, fabric to reupholster her bar stools and dining room chairs, fabric to make curtains for the front window, and... more fabric for a little art project she had in mind for wall art. Oh... and choosing a paint color to paint the foyer and dining room, not always an easy task.

We decided to go with "crab apple" a taupe color by
Ralph Lauren (bottom left above), and were very happy with the result!

We wanted to incorporate an earthy feel and hung these $4 square woven place mats on the dining room wall as art (from Pier 1).
Vern Yip's tip: repeat shapes in a space for continuity.

Here's the fabric we added to the chair cushions:

And the bar stools with their new green upholstery:

The foyer bench we found on clearance at Pier 1...

and the curtains we made out of tablecloths from Home Goods for $30. 85" tablecloths hung from a rod with rings and clips, no sewing needed!
The art work is made from a $16 sheet stretched onto plain white canvas. I love the geometric pattern, great idea Kris!

We also painted the previously white mirror black and added $6 worth of black knobs to this chest for a bit of detail.
I think the finished result looks
fabulous! One day of hard core shopping and 2 days of painting, and reupholstering and... voila, 2
new rooms!
I had such a good time working with my daughter! And I must say... we're quite the painting duo!