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Sunday, October 17, 2010

can you actually be "golfed out"?!

I think I am after this week... 2 rounds on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and a final fun tournament on Sunday. Whew... fun yes!, but I can say I need a break from golf. I won't golf again... until Wednesday!

We played a couples strokes and string tournament today
... alternate ball after the drive.
I was the "party planner" and chose pink and green for the theme.
The favors were koozies and the prizes were 3 different sizes of
Tervis Tumblers
Here are the smaller 3rd place prizes, pink for the gals and green for the guys.
I had the tourney date put on the back.

It was an absolutely beautiful day...
everyone survived, and all marriages are still intact!

This photo is from our Friday/Saturday girls tournament. Do you love my knee socks? I did! The perfect layering accessory for a cold morning... later in the day I striped them off when it warmed up. I just may have to make this my signature look!

taking a two day break from golf...
my house could sure use a bit of attention!


  1. Love the knee socks! Glad you guys had fun- it was the perfect weekend for the tourney ;)

  2. LOVE the knee socks. They are one of my favorite accessories and practical too! You look fantastic.

    I'm feeling a bit "golfed out" too, but I have to play every nice day before the snow falls here in Ohio. :o(

  3. Darling pictures - looks like so much fun!! xoxo

  4. More than 2 days of golf always takes its toll on me! However, it looks as if you have a stellar support group...

  5. I think with any sport, there is a level of daily plays you can take before you are worn out and need a break from it... it is kinda like a spouse, we have jobs, friends, shopping days to walk away from them because if your with one person or doing one thing repeatedly it loses it's charm, however, if golf is more than a hobby you have to work through that... i admire Heather!

    LOVE the pictures by the way!


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