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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

we have a name!

I will now address my grandbaby to you all as
Carter Lewis Hamilton
the name officially given him by his parents.
They had decided on "Carter" quite a few months back, and just finalized his middle name as "Lewis". It's my mother's maiden name, and an honor to carry it on. She was thrilled!

Auntie Kristin hand painted these adorable canvas's
to hang over his crib.

They have an under the sea theme with cute little fish.

Look at how the colors totally coordinate with the fabrics in the dust ruffle I made...

... and the bamboo hamper I trimmed out with the same stripe fabric!

I just love his nursery! It's such a beautiful color and has a relaxing feel about it. A little more tweaking to go, and a few more sewing projects for me. I'm working on the bumpers and need to recover the glider cushions in brown minky.

Very soon... it will all be ready for you Carter!


  1. Brown minky - dreamy! Love the name. xoxo

  2. Carter is such a cute name!

    The nursery is beautiful. It does have a calm, peaceful vibe. =)

  3. Sometimes I just go and stand in his room and take everything in. It's so beautiful!

  4. I got to see his room the other night. Love it! The bedding is so gorgeous, and that minky! I need some jammies made out of that stuff.

  5. beautiful news and room!

    What a delightful blog you have... i am posting and going back to read more.

    Stop by if you get the chance.


  6. Wayyyyyy cute! I have my daughter Ava's name over her crib too!


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